Scrolling for implantation symptoms?

Scrolling for implantation symptoms?

Takeaways from my symptom-spotting experience

I had this “Memory” pop up on social media. It was a picture of my husband and me and some friends away for a weekend in Lake Placid, snowshoeing and X-country skiing. There are a couple of things that are difficult to tell from the genuine smile on my face in the photos:

  1. The temperature was literally -10 degrees, and 

  2. I was about 8 weeks pregnant with my first daughter, after having experienced two pregnancy losses in the prior year.

This “Memory” really struck me. Choosing to spend the weekend outdoors in freezing temperatures is not for the faint of heart anyway...but when 8 weeks pregnant after 2 losses that occurred around that same gestational stage? 

WTH, I thought? What could I possibly have been thinking?? 

And then I remembered:

I had decided I was going to take my life back. That I was going to do everything needed to help myself believe I was as capable as anyone else of growing and nurturing new life. 

I had missed out on some fun outings with friends that prior year when we were TTC, for fear I’d miss my ovulation window or negatively impact a new pregnancy. It didn’t work, and worse, it didn’t feel good. I felt like TTC was ruling my life.

So instead, I gave myself permission to do what I felt. I didn’t stop tracking my cycle, but I only paid attention to it closely when it was around O time and then once I felt like I had done what I could to give myself the best shot that month, I let it go.

Otherwise, I decided to try out giving myself the best shot BY LIVING MY LIFE and seeking out what makes me feel content and happy.

And it worked. That’s how I knew it was okay to go snowshoeing and X-country skiing in frigid temps – I was connected with myself enough I could hear what served me. 

And my first daughter was born 7 months after that super fun trip.

You can try it right this moment – what have you been putting off, limiting or not allowing yourself? What do you want to give yourself permission to grab hold of?

This is what we’ll be doing in my Conception Accelerator Group Coaching program starting April 10. If you want to learn how with my support, visit the Group Coaching page now.

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