Scrolling to distract yourself during the dreaded two-week-wait?

Are you scrolling to distract yourself during the dreaded two-week-wait?

Try This Instead

Grab a piece of paper and Draw a line down the middle. 

  • On the left, write down 5 negative things your mind is saying about not being pregnant yet (it’s taking too long, it’s never going to happen, my friends are going to move on without me, I should have been pregnant by now, I’m getting too old…). 


  • On the right, write down all 5 positives of not being pregnant yet (I get to sleep in on the weekends, I can make spontaneous plans without needing a babysitter, I’m not going to xyz after having waited and hoped for so long…). If needed, flip some of your negatives to see their silver linings.


  • Notice how you feel.

This isn’t about trying to ignore feeling the things on the left side of the paper. Often, by acknowledging the positives, the negatives have less weight. That’s all. Wouldn’t it be nice to carry a little less weight as you wait this month?

Try it and let me know in the comments what you notice.

Sarah DenioComment