
Liberating Yourself from Past Pain: The Power of Processing Old Energy


Life can be challenging, and we all carry emotional baggage from our past experiences. Whether it's from a difficult relationship, past traumas, or even a toxic family dynamic, these emotional wounds can linger and affect our well-being and ability to achieve our goals. From an inner alignment perspective, the answer lies in a transformative process that involves understanding and processing old energy stored in your body. In this article, we'll explore the concept of processing old energy and how it can liberate you from the weight of past pain, allowing you to respond rather than react to life's challenges.

Understanding Old Energy

Old energy refers to the emotional residue that accumulates within us over time due to painful or traumatic experiences. These emotions can include anger, sadness, resentment, and fear. Much like a storage system in our bodies and minds, this old energy can shape our reactions to similar situations, often without us even realizing it. This keeps us feeling stuck, like we are at the mercy of the external circumstances, needing them to change in order to feel better. In fact, the opposite is true – by processing the old energy you embrace your innate ability to heal, flow with the ups and downs of life, and thrive.

The Process of Letting Go

  • Acknowledgment and Validation: The first step in processing old energy is acknowledging the emotions tied to past experiences. You don’t need to remember the exact circumstances or details, it’s enough to recognize “this feels old” and just sit with it in the moment. It's helpful to validate your own feelings and understand that it's entirely normal to be affected by past pain.

  • Allowing the Feelings: To let go of the old energy, it needs to be felt and honored so it can be processed rather than repressed. The beautiful thing is that this can take place any time, no matter how old the wounds are. Sometimes sitting and allowing the feelings is enough. Since it’s important for the mind to not to get wrapped up in analysis, judgment or the old story though, specific strategies and steps may need to be taken to enable it to be fully processed.

  • Seeking Support and Guidance: Healing often requires support from trusted individuals or professionals, such as therapists, coaches or healers. They can provide you with the tools and guidance needed to navigate your emotions and further the healing process. (Tip: Strategies and techniques for releasing old energy are taught in my Inner Alignment Coaching program.)

The Transformation

As you work on processing old energy, you'll begin to notice significant transformations in your life:

  • Freedom from Triggers: Processing old energy allows you to detach from past triggers. Similar circumstances and people who once provoked intense reactions in you will no longer have the same power over your emotions. It’s not that you’ll forget what happened in the past; it simply won't have the power over you it does now, because those experiences will be integrated into the story of your life, rather than stopping you in your tracks each time they are recalled or reoccur.

  • Increased Emotional Resilience: You'll develop emotional resilience, enabling you to respond thoughtfully and intentionally rather than react impulsively to challenging situations. This newfound strength empowers you to make choices that serve your well-being and goals.

  • Embracing Positive Change: With the burden of old energy lifted, you'll experience positive change in your life and renewed capacity to achieve your dreams. You can set healthier boundaries, cultivate more fulfilling relationships, and pursue your goals with confidence.

  • Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself during this journey. Healing is not a linear path, and it's okay to have “setbacks”. Those I’ve guided to process old wounds through Inner Alignment Coaching often ask me “what if I go back to my old ways now that I’ve completed the program??” To this my answer is always the same – it would be impossible for you to go back without trying really hard! Once the old energy is processed, it’s no longer there to cause you to react in old ways. All that’s required to move forward is staying connected with yourself, so you can choose what serves you as you navigate life. Practicing self-compassion can help you stay on track and maintain a mindset that’s aligned with the future you desire.


Processing old energy is a transformative journey that empowers you to break free from the shackles of past pain. It allows you to respond rather than react to life's challenges, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and liberated existence. Remember, healing takes time and patience, but the rewards are immeasurable. By embarking on this journey, you can take control of your emotional well-being and create a brighter, more empowered future.

Understanding the Difference: Manifesting vs. Dreaming and How to Create Real Change in Your Life: Part 2

Inner Alignment

Inner Alignment is a powerful process that involves manifesting by harmonizing your inner self with your external desires. By understanding the connection between your internal state and external manifestations, you can intentionally create the life you envision. In this article, we will explore the process of manifestation. We will delve into the importance of identifying your true desires, practicing the associated feelings, and clearing away limiting beliefs and energy that hinder your progress.

The power of Inner Alignment manifestation begins with recognizing the significance of aligning your inner state with your external goals. This means understanding that what you desire externally is always a reflection of the feelings you seek to experience internally. By uncovering the true reasons you desire certain things, you gain clarity on the emotions and experiences you are truly seeking. This is essential because you cannot manifest something externally that is not aligned with how you feel internally.

Uncovering the underlying desires is essential because the next step is to consciously practice experiencing those feelings internally. By intentionally generating the desired emotions and thoughts associated with your goals, you create a resonance (energetic vibration) that attracts similar experiences into your life. By cultivating these internal states, you shift your energy and magnetize circumstances that align with your desires.

One of the most important parts of manifesting is being able to clear limiting beliefs. These limiting beliefs can be from past experiences, negative thoughts, and stored energy that creates interference with your ability to attract what you desire. It is crucial to work through these barriers by acknowledging and addressing them. By recognizing and releasing old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you, you create space for new opportunities and possibilities to unfold.

Steps to successfully manifest your dreams.

  1. Desire to change.

To effectively manifest your desires, you must be committed to the journey of self-discovery and personal growth. This requires a willingness to allow uncomfortable emotions and face any obstacles that stand in your way

2. Calming your nervous system.

Calming your nervous system is an essential foundational step, as it allows you to focus on your goals without being overwhelmed by stress or fear.

3. Clarity on goals and desires.

To manifest effectively, you must gain crystal-clear clarity on your goals and aspirations, and related feelings. Defining what you want to create externally enables you to understand the internal desires driving those goals. By aligning your internal feelings with your external goals, you can naturally manifest the desired outcomes.

4. Overcoming limiting beliefs.

Overcoming limiting beliefs and old energy requires addressing factors that act as barriers to your progress. These beliefs and energy are often deeply ingrained, influence your thoughts and actions, and block your ability to create the internal feeling required to manifest your external goal. By acknowledging and challenging these beliefs, you can dismantle their power and replace them with empowering thoughts and beliefs that support your manifestations.

5. Align your inner state with your external goals.

Conscious manifestation is a powerful process that involves aligning your inner state with your external goals. By practicing the desired feelings associated with your aspirations and clearing away interference from limiting beliefs and old energy, you create the ideal conditions for the manifestation of what you want to occur. 

Embracing the steps outlined in this article empowers you to consciously create the life you envision. With determination, self-awareness, and a willingness to get uncomfortable so you can overcome obstacles, you can embark on a transformative journey of manifestation and bring your dreams into reality. For more tips on how to manifest, sign up for a FREE CONSULTATION.

Understanding the Difference: Manifesting vs. Dreaming and How to Create Real Change in Your Life: Part 1

Manifesting vs. Dreaming

What’s the difference?

Manifesting and dreaming are two concepts that are often used interchangeably but they are actually quite different. While both involve focusing on something that feels good and that we desire, manifesting takes it a step further by actually taking deliberate conscious action to create what we want in our lives. We are subconsciously always manifesting or creating our reality; however to manifest your ideal life you have to make a conscious effort to create what you want. 

How it works

Physiologically speaking, the current cells within our body and the synapses within our brain were formed based on what we have been thinking about, feeling, or experiencing in the past. This means that our brains naturally create neural networks, meaning thoughts and actions based on what we have practiced in the past.

What we have thought, felt, and experienced in the past, both positive and negative, perpetually creates what we are manifesting in the present. It requires conscious effort to disrupt the pattern of the past and create what we truly want in our lives. Without conscious effort, we are just repeating the same patterns and experiences from our past, like a computer program that keeps repeating the same instructions.

However, most people will not make a deliberate conscious effort to manifest their desires until they reach a breaking point where they are fed up with their current situation and are desperate for change. This breaking point is what is called the "contrast," where we realize that we don't want what we currently have and the desire to change overpowers the inertia of the past.

From this point, our desire to change becomes a driving force that propels us towards taking deliberate conscious action to manifest our desires. This process requires inner alignment, which means aligning our inner state with our external desires. We need to create the feeling internally first in order to manifest the related desires and goals externally.

Manifesting involves a constant feedback loop between our thoughts, emotions, and physiology. We are always manifesting based upon our thoughts and feelings, conscious or conscious. When we think about something, we feel the associated emotions and chemicals in our body. This, in turn, reinforces our thoughts and creates a feedback loop that can either be positive or negative depending on our thoughts and emotions.

To use this to manifest what we desire, we must identify what it is that we truly desire and why we desire it. For example, if we want a luxurious house, we must ask ourselves what we will feel when we have that house. Will it make us feel successful, accomplished, or happy? Identifying these internal desires and feelings is crucial to creating the right mindset and inner alignment necessary for manifesting our desires.

In contrast, dreaming is a more passive process where we simply think about our desires without taking any deliberate action toward achieving them. While dreaming can be enjoyable and provide temporary relief, it does not lead to any real change or manifestation of our desires.

Why it matters

In conclusion, manifesting and dreaming are two distinct processes that involve focusing on our desires, but manifesting takes it a step further by requiring deliberate conscious action to create the change we want in our lives. By identifying our internal desires, aligning our inner state with our external desires, and taking deliberate action, we can manifest our desires and create the life we truly want.  To learn more about the process and how to manifest your desires read part 2 of this post in the upcoming weeks of June 2023.

To take matters into your own hands and start manifesting today sign up here and receive a free consultation!