It’s time to reconnect with yourself, so having the family and life of your dreams comes with ease.



Reconnect with Your Fertility Free Group


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〰️ Reconnect with Your Fertility Free Group 〰️ Join the Community


You already have everything you need in order to have the family and life you want. My job is to show you how. 


Essentials Digital Course

This is the #1 secret you need to get pregnant.

A quick course of short, digestible videos teaches you how to manage stress and calm your body for conception.


Hey, I’m Sarah!

I’m a Fertility Coach and Energetic Healer, here to guide you in harnessing the power of your mind, body and spirit to grow your family. Rather than adding more tasks to your growing TTC to-do list, I’ll show you how to reconnect with yourself so that having the family and life of your dreams comes naturally.

Love from Past Clients…


My Conception Accelerator Coaching Package is for you if…

You’re in TTC hell. You fear your friends will move on without you because you’re going to be the last to become a mom despite the fact you're doing everything right. 

You get up first thing in the morning and pee on a stick to see if you’re ovulating, head to the kitchen to pop your supplements and prep your fertility-friendly breakfast before logging on to your computer for a day of high-pressure meetings. 

When you go to the bathroom midmorning, you check your cervical mucus and at lunchtime hop on IG and save reels for inspiration, hoping to come across that fertility gem that made all the difference for others. An hour and a half later drag yourself back to your computer and mounding to do list feeling defeated and more lost than ever. 

After you log off for the day you rush to your acupuncture appointment and the gym before eating dinner and watching a couple episodes of Grey’s Anatomy. You wash your face and get into bed to have sex (which unfortunately is starting to feel like a job), put your legs up, go to sleep and wake up to do it all again. 

You really don’t want to go but your BF from college’s baby shower is this weekend and you haven't even gotten a gift yet because you can no longer roam the aisles at Target without a mix of rage and shame that it’s her pregnancy and baby you’re celebrating and not your own.

(OR to top it all off, you’re actually scared to death to be pregnant after an early loss a few months ago when you naively started a “Baby Smith’s Nursery” Pinterest board only to see your dreams come crashing down immediately after.)

This is for you if:

You want more than anything to believe it’s all going to work out, so you can relax and trust your body, let go of control, have a healthy baby (but it seems to be happening for everyone but you).

You’re fed up with where you’re at, with trying everything under the sun, and are ready to consolidate your efforts and get at the root cause that’s been standing in your way, once and for all.

My Conception Accelerator Coaching package is for you if you want to be pregnant and you’re ready to:

1: Calm your nervous system so your body knows NOW is the perfect time to conceive and nurture new life. Learn to recognize your triggers and work with them, so your body knows now is a safe time to conceive no matter what life is throwing at you.

2: Get clear on your vision and desired feelings. Identify what being pregnant/being a mom FEELS like for YOU, and begin practicing aligning with the feeling that you’re going for in everyday life.

3: Clear the energy of your past. Learn to notice what’s not aligned with your vision and implement simple tools, strategies and practices to let go of what’s not helping you become a mom.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  1. 12 sessions of one-on-one coaching 

  2. 8 sessions of distant reiki

  3. 8-week video course curriculum to set the foundation for each private coaching session

What’s also included:

  • Members Area access to guided meditations, guides, etc.

  • Ongoing support via text/Voxxer

"Sarah was a miracle worker…"

" was like I became a new person with all the tools that could handle anything that came my way. I know for a fact Sarah was who helped me get pregnant. After 2 years, a miscarriage, all the acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and fertility treatments, it wasn’t until I met with her and worked through stuff that I got pregnant and my little girl is just perfect (I had stopped fertility treatments at the time of getting pregnant so I know it was her)."



Learn the #1 secret to letting your body know now is the perfect time to conceive

You can time things perfectly, merge the perfect egg and sperm, eat whole and exercise just right...BUT if your body perceives all the well-intended tracking, timing and activity as stressful, you won't conceive. Period. 

This 1-hour online course and 14-day plan guide you to implement the #1 things you can do to manage stress while TTC

Learn the essentials to reclaim your wellbeing and become a mother with these simple strategies.

What’s Included: 3-part course, the #1 Secret 14-Day Quick Start Guide, and an On Demand Practice Library.

Cost: $97


The family and life you are dreaming of is just around the corner...


Start today.

The best way I have found to help you explore the impact life coaching will have on your family-building dreams is by having a heart-to-heart conversation. Schedule a free discovery call so we can meet and discuss your unique situation and goals.