Feeling the way you desire naturally manifests all the other things you’ve dreamt of having.
Allow me to show you HOW.
Free Training
Reclaim Your Time & Energy for 2025
Free Training 〰️ Reclaim Your Time & Energy for 2025 〰️
Hey, I’m Sarah. I’m an inspirational speaker, coach and energetic healer. Those are my professional titles.
The truth is:
I’ve got a renegade spirit, and I get my kicks seeing women get what they want.
It’s true — I help them manifest the partners and babies and business ventures and all the money and success and meaningful relationships and beach houses they’ve dreamed of…
BUT those things are really the extra cherry on top of the sundae!
What I really help women do is have what they actually desire, the foundation beneath it all, which creates all the things they want out there in the world.
The key is in knowing how to feel the way you want:
…the genuine contentment and ease and flow in daily living,
…to truly relax and go with the flow,
…presence to the wonder that comes from adventures grand and small,
…peace…simple peace, with reverence for it all.
What most women really want more than anything is to be able to relax and and trust all is falling into place without having to worry and stress and force it and work 10x harder and fix everything and figure it all out…
When you’re exhausted and ready to be done with all that…
That’s where I come in.
I’ll show you how to…
wake up in the morning and savor the sweet aroma and delicious taste of the coffee in your cup, aware of the precious passing of time – because there aren’t a zillion things from your ever growing to do list buzzing around in your head (you don’t have time for that anymore, it just doesn’t serve you)
stroll into and out of work, your first and last zoom calls of the day, with your head steadily on your shoulders, your feet firmly planted on the ground, a genuine smile on your face knowing you’re contribution is valued and it’s going to be a great day, no matter what is in store
connect with your partner (and kids) at the end of the day, sharing and feeling heard and understood and cherished, exchanging genuine love
have your head hit the pillow, feeling satisfied, with the sense everything is lining up…
Knowing you are perfectly-equipped to meet your own needs, with an unwavering commitment to yourself, because ever since you started showing up for yourself, claiming what you want and choosing what serves you, it’s like a switch flipped, and everything started lining up.
There’s no going back. It’s so easy now, why would you choose any other way?
It’s time to learn how to align your thoughts and feelings so they’re working for you. I’m here to help you do that.
Let me show you the exact steps that get results every time.
Release the Past
Reconnect with Your True Self
Create the Life You Want
〰️ Release the Past 〰️ Reconnect with Your True Self 〰️ Create the Life You Want
Hey, I’m Sarah!
I’m a Life Coach and Energetic Healer, here to guide you in harnessing the power of your mind, body and spirit to release the past and create the life you want. I’ll show you how to reconnect with yourself so you’re no longer weighed down by the past and living the life you actually want comes naturally.
Love from Past Clients…
The life you are dreaming of is just around the corner...
28 Reasons Why My Approach is THE Way to Create the Life You Want
Uncomfortable/traumatic experiences from the past finally get integrated into the story of your life (so you’re no longer reliving them/affected by them).
Self empowerment — learning practices/tools/strategies to implement in life as it is happening (rather than saving things to talk with a therapist about in a session once or twice a week).
Leveraging physiology to your advantage — it’s impossible to NOT experience sustainable change when you implement this over the course of eight weeks because you’re literally altering your being at the cellular and neurological level.
Eight weeks, plus follow up as you choose, rather than ongoing indefinite counseling = self empowerment with the option to seek additional support because you love yourself not because you’re reliant on me.
Library of lessons, practices, guides, meditations, etc. is available 24/7 – through the program and after – meaning you get to be guided as you sit back and listen with your eyes closed, or if you want to freshen up after you’ve gone through the program first time, come back when you hit a new bump, have a new goal, etc.
Combo of Coaching (engaging) Reiki (passive and relaxing, but super powerful) = profound, potent, holistic healing.
Text support between one-on-one sessions.
Leveraging the power of your heart – to magnetize desires, and heal the gunk left behind by past traumatic experiences.
Focus on internal desire as the driver of power to create external results – inward focus becomes the key to anything you want out there.
Nervous system regulation is the foundation on which ALL else is built (worth the price of admission alone).
Unique to YOUR desires, YOUR past experience, your hopes and dreams.
Eight-week plan is simple to follow and yet yields results beyond expectation each time.
I am genuine, compassionate, in it with you, and while remaining unattached and maintaining 100% professionalism, you will feel cared for and held by me.
You don’t have to know what’s “wrong”, what needs to be “fixed”, why things are the way they are. When you say yes! to this program, it’s like you crack the door open and all that’s needed will naturally rise to the surface (a liberating rest from figuring it all out).
You will learn to feel empowered to look within for the answers you need in order to have everything you want and be capable of freeing yourself from what you don’t.
This is a way of living, not a quick fix or a magic pill. You will utilize it for the rest of your life, not because I said so or because you have to, but because you’re genuinely motivated to reach for the tools on a daily basis, because you’ve had the experience of it working time and again.
Nothing that could happen, no matter what it is, will ever have much power over you from here on out – because you’ve learned how powerful you innately are to handle absolutely anything life can throw at you.
Holistic approach – no more compartmentalizing. You will finally see how it’s all connected, every part of your life – your childhood, your friends/partnership now, your fertility struggles, your job, you name it – and how you don’t need a different approach/fix to address each. ALL the answers (fixes) and what’s needed is in you and I’ll show you how in just eight weeks.
Everything changes when your energy shifts: this is Inner Alignment. You feel better you better, you create better results in your world, period.
Feeling your feelings (ALL of them) is the way — with my exact steps to guide you so you never get stuck, they can move through you, you can authentically feel joy, peace, contentment, ease, trust… Because you’re no longer forcing yourself to do anything, you don’t want to.
No more letting your mind complicate things.
Being intentions/desire focused feels good – your job is to spend as much time as possible feeling the way you want and implementing tools to heal and work with whatever comes up that doesn’t align with it. (I show you how.)
This is deep, inner work — no more surface stuff the conscious 5% of your brain can come up with and wants you to to stay focused on for safety/continuity of life as it is.
Learn to remain connected with what serves you, regardless of others, opinions, past habits, etc.
Live life from a grounded, unattached place of trust and awe.
Gain genuine reference for all that’s occurred.
Pass it on as emotional generational wealth.
Go deep for eight weeks, or battle the same patterns for a lifetime.